Tag Archives: urban landscape

Blossom 3.12

Blossom. Local trees.

Dozens of the ornamental cherry (Prunus) trees near my home are currently festooned with blossom.

23.03.12 – Blue Shed

Allotment Shed. Knight’s Hill Allotments.

Went to collect scaffolding planks which were delivered to the allotments yesterday, but sadly all had been snaffled. This peeling shed caught my eye on the way back. Knight’s Hill has an extraordinary mixture of natural and artificial colour.

9.3.12 Daffodils

Daffodils. Peckham.

On my way to the studio, cycling through Peckham, I noticed the first daffodils… Pedants: note my bike in background is precisely this colour of yellow.

9.3.12 – KH Metal frames

Knight’s Hill allotments. Sunset.

One of our neighbours metal framework.

9.3.12 – KH – greenhouse

Knight’s Hill Allotments.

Fantastic views from our plot. The background here is Docklands.