Tag Archives: plant photography

Mas de la Serra.04.24.

New Photography Course in Spain. April 2025.

I will be teaching a new photography course in Spain next April. Set in the stunning mountain retreat at Mas de la Serra, Terual, Aragon, the five day/four nights course will be called ‘Photography with Kevin Dutton – Plants and Nature in Aragon’. In a wonderfully relaxed setting, the course is suitable for all kinds of camera users and will help improve knowledge and camera technique whilst exploring landscape, plant compositions and close-up photography. Full details are now HERE at the Mas de la Serra website but please contact me with any questions or enquiries. 

West Dean Garden Photography. 2024.

Photography Course at West Dean College. Aug-Sept 2024.

My next weekend course at West Dean College in West Sussex will be “Summer Garden Photography”, 30 Aug to 1 Sept. More details here.

West Dean May 2024

Botanical Photography Course. May 2024.

I’m looking forward to my next course, teaching ‘Botanical Photography – Plant Portraits’ at West Dean College in Sussex. 3-5 May.

West Dean 05.23

Teaching at West Dean College, Sussex. 12-14 May 2023.

I’ll be back at West Dean College soon, teaching ‘Botanical Photography – Plant Portraits’. Photographing plants in the beautiful gardens and in the studio, students will learn new techniques and experiment with individual and mixed plants compositions. 

Open House 23

Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House. 13/14 & 20/21 May 2023.

I’ll be showing my work again this year at the Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House. My work will be exhibited at 93 Woodwarde Road, Dulwich SE22 8UL.


Open House May 2022

Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House. May 2022.

Looking forward to showing my work again this year at the Open House in Dulwich. 93 Woodwarde Road, Dulwich SE22 8UL.

RHS show 2021

RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show. September-October 2021.

The RHS Botanical Art and Photography Show will take place at the Saatchi Gallery in London this year from 18th September until 3rd October. Over 200 artists and photographers will display their work. I will have a series of six images of tulips, competing in the portfolio section. More details and ticket information here.

Hampton Court 07.19

Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. July 2019.

I currently have a stand at the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival where, on Stand 945 in the Country Living Pavilion, I’ll have lots of framed, mounted and unframed prints on display in all sizes from A4 up to 30″x40″. There will be, for the first time, three unglazed tray framed prints including a new print, Mixed Hellebores 1. The show is on from 1-7 July. Details here.

Feb 2019

Spring Shows. February 2019.

I will be leading another botanical photography course at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 1st & 2nd March. After that, my work will be on show at The Affordable Art Fair, Battersea, London 0n 7-10 March. I’ll also be at Midcentury Modern in Dulwich, London on 10th March and on  11/12 and 18/19 May, my images will be part of a group show at the Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House. There will be plenty of new pictures on show which I have been retouching during the autumn and winter months including this one, Mixed Summer Plants 2, 2018.


AB show 2018

Exhibiton at AB Design and Interiors. September 2018.

My first show of the autumn will be in London on 28th and 29th September where, in a beautiful house in Dulwich Village, a number of my framed pictures will be on show as part of a group show. AB Design and Interiors will be hosting at 93 Woodwarde Road, SE22 8UL. Full details on their site by clicking the link. There will be more information on forthcoming winter shows soon.

V&A 3.18

Botanical Photography Workshop at the V&A. March 2018.

In May, I will be leading a two day botanical photography workshop. It’s a two day practical workshop on 18-19 May in the Victoria and Albert Museum in Kensington, London. I had the pleasure earlier in the year of going to the V&A’s prints and drawings room to do some research on how plants have been represented in photography, illustration and painting over the years. I was able to see, firsthand, the work of so many sources of inspiration and it will be great to see the students’ reaction to some of the folios of work which I’ll be selecting. If you’re interested in attending the course please email me with any questions or here are the details on the V&A’s website: https://www.vam.ac.uk/event/6VZkBdQ8/botanical-photography-may-2018

Midcentury Modern 11.17

Midcentury Modern Show. November 2017.

On Sunday 19th November I’ll be showing, alongside other work, lots of my new tulip images taken earlier in the year. The show is at Dulwich College, London, SE21 7LD. 10am-4pm. I’ll have numerous framed, mounted and unframed prints for sale with prices ranging from £70-£700.

Dorset 08.17

Dorset. August 2017.

Windblown chicory, Chicoreum intybus, near the Dorset coast.

Cornwall. April 2017.

Cornwall. April 2017.

Having been down to Cornwall on so many occasions in the summer months, it was a real pleasure to enjoy a few fine days at Easter photographing the coastal plants around the Land’s End and Lizard areas. I’ve put an album of images on my Facebook page kevinduttonphotography. Amongst so many others, I saw spring squills, green-winged orchids, thrift, various sedums, rare western gorse, numerous mosses and lichens, seas of hawthorn blossom and three-cornered leeks which seemed to be everywhere.


Gallery Lee & Bae 1.16

Gallery Lee & Bae, Busan, South Korea. January 2016.

Today is the start of an exhibition called Feast of Edition at the Gallery Lee & Bae in Busan, Korea. Nine of my Chromogenic prints and five Giclee prints will be on show from 19th January until 20th February 2016 alongside lithographic prints by Korean artist Kim Chong Hak. The intention of the show is to celebrate edition printing and each year the gallery choose a Korean artist and a western artist. Last year at this time, the gallery showed works by Chun Kyung-Ja and Andy Warhol.

leebae 450x600px

Midcentury Modern. 22nd November 2015.

Once again, it’s time for Midcentury Modern, which is on this Sunday from 10am – 4pm at Dulwich College, London, SE21 7LD. As well as the usual range of plant studies, framed or unframed in various sizes, there will be a chance to see some of the new mixed plant studies. This one is Allotment Plants 1.


Sunday Times Style 5.15

Floral photography for the Sunday Times Style Magazine/Chelsea Flower Show 2015

Following a couple of great weekends selling pictures and talking plants, flowers and photography at the Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House, it’s now time for the 2015 RHS Chelsea Flower Show. In this Sunday’s Sunday Times Style Magazine there’s a double page spread which I shot in collaboration with Flora Starkey, a floral designer who is currently working with garden designer Jo Thompson on the M&G garden retreat show garden at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show.


Affordable Art Fair and Midcentury Modern. 3.15.

Affordable Art Fair and Midcentury Modern.

It’s been another busy weekend with two fairs at the same time (!) – The Affordable Art Fair in Battersea and Midcentury Modern in Dulwich. It’s always a great opportunity to meet the public to get feedback on the new work. There’s been a great response to my new plants studies, especially the mixed plant still life images. I now have to sort out the printing and framing orders, including some large framed orders of the image below, Mixed Plants 1, one of my studio compositions of various plants and flowers (including Philadelphus, Parthenocissus henryana, Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’, and common blackberry flowers) which I grow in my garden or up at the allotment at Knight’s Hill.



Frames 12.14

Framed prints. December 2014.

Some of my Christmas orders all framed and ready for delivery.


Gas Gallery 20.11.14

Gas Gallery evening viewing on 20th November 2014.

Gas Gallery will be exhibiting my work at their showroom at Iliffe Yard, London, SE17 3QA throughout November and will be having a special viewing featuring my work on Thursday 20th November from 6.30pm. I’ll be there all evening so please drop in to join us for wine and to see some of my new prints. The entrance is via The Electric Elephant Cafe (186a Crampton Street) which will also be serving food that evening.


MCM 11.14

Midcentury Modern at Dulwich College, London. Sunday November 23rd 10am-4pm.

At the end of November, I’ll have a stand again at the Midcentury Modern show at Dulwich College, London, SE21 7LD. It’s a great opportunity not just to find excellent examples of vintage furniture but upstairs there will be, along with my work, a fine selection of contemporary furniture makers, ceramicists, upholsterers, designer-makers and artists. The food and coffee are also excellent!


Buy Art Fair 9.14

Buy Art Fair, Manchester.

Next week Gas Art will have my work up as part of its display at the Buy Art Fair in Manchester. The dates are 26-28th September.


France 8.14

Unexpected Lathyrus odoratus. Vineyards in Burgundy, France.

Here’s one of a number of pictures taken during a recent visit to Burgundy. It’s part of a blog-style album on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/kevinduttonphotography


Pullens Open Studios 6.14

Pullens Yards Open Studios. 13th-15th June 2014.

My work will be included in this forthcoming open studios in Illiffe Yard, Kennington, London where Gas Gallery will be showing artwork from all their artists in their new showroom space.



New Print 3.14

New Prints at the Affordable Art Fair and Midcentury Modern shows.

There are new prints on show this weekend including this print, Cirsium 2.

Narcissi 5.3.14

Narcissi, March 2014.

With only a week to go before the Affordable Art Fair at Battersea, here’s one of the my new images which will be on sale at Gas Gallery’s stand.

Pullens Yard, 12.13.

Pullens Yards Open Studios. 6-8 December.

For anyone who missed last Sunday’s show at Midcentury Modern, here’s another opportunity to see some of my prints this weekend. My work will be at the Gas Gallery showroom but there’s lots of other stuff to see and do.

Midcentury Modern 1.12.13

Midcentury Modern.

Here’s a show I’ll be doing soon on Sunday 1st December. There will be lots of new framed and unframed prints. More details at http://modernshows.com/the-shows/dulwich-december-2013/


Sweet Gum leaf. Autumn.

There are so many autumn leaves to shoot at the moment, but this striking Sweet Gum leaf (Liquidamber Styraciflua) is among the brightest, in contrast to Euphorbia foliage and a Silver Birch leaf.

Grand Designs 10.13

Grand Designs. Channel 4 Television.

Here’s one of my framed images – Aster 1, size 30″ x 30″ – which was shown on last night’s broadcast of Grand Designs on Channel 4. The images on the program itself show an incredible transformation from the site which I saw when I went to deliver the work. It looked like a V2 rocket had hit it! I think the owners, despite the excitement of the project, are now mightily relieved that all the work is complete and that they can finally get a decent night’s sleep. I much enjoyed the hilarious footage of them planted the sedum/succulents/wild flowers on the roof.

Dock, 10.13

Dock seed heads, London.

Walking along Cornish sections of the South West Coast Path in late summer, the deep rusty colours of Dock seed heads were a constant source of temptation for blog photography (see previous entry). Funnily enough though, here in London, riding along a green path which takes the route of the old Peckham branch of the Grand Surrey Canal, these large specimens of Rumex crispus  (Curled Dock, Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock, Garden Patience Narrow-leaved Dock) have looked stunning these last few weeks, standing out from a meadow of handsome weeds as I turn right off the path on to Glengall Road. I’ve just done a bit of research on the path ( Surrey Canal Path) and the stretch I ride along has been amusingly re-branded The Surrey Linear Canal Park. It’s a rather tidy walkway but my eye is always drawn by those unkempt, neglected areas where weeds can spread out and really show what they can do.

Cornwall, 8.13.

Cornwall, August 2013.

The striking colours here of Rumex Obtusifolius (Dock). This is one of a series of photographs taken on and around the Cornish Coastal Path in late summer. The full set of images is on my Facebook page facebook.com/kevinduttonphotography.

PD opening 12.8.13

Photo Democracy Summer Show Opening, Piccadilly, London.

Here’s a photo from Monday’s opening at Chris Beetles Fine Photographs. The exhibition is on until 17th August and five of my plant portraits are on show. More pictures of the opening are on the Photo Democracy Facebook Page.

Photo democracy Award 7.13.

Photo Democracy Award for Fine Art Photography 2013.

I’ve just had some good news – I’m one of the winners of the Photo Democracy Award for Fine Art Photography 2013. My images will be on show at the summer show at Chris Beetles Fine Photographs, London, W1 , 12-17 August. A selection of my work will also be sold through Photo Democracy from the autumn. My study of Fritillaria Meleagris has been chosen for the poster and publicity.

Borage. 5.7.13.

Borage at the allotment.

I’ve been harvesting Borage (Borago officinalis) today, otherwise known as starflower. I’ll be shooting them in the (dark!) studio but hopefully there will be some left over later to add to a glass of Pimms in the sunshine.

Valerian. 6.13.

Valerian, Kent.

Walking along the coastline in Kent, near Broadstairs, you can look up to see numerous plants growing tenaciously in the chalks cliffs, especially  this red Valerian centranthus ruber.

AAF 6.13

Affordable Art Fair. Hampstead, London.

It’s the Affordable Art Fair again this week where my work is being shown at the Gas Gallery Stand, J4 from 13-16th June. For more details: http://affordableartfair.com/hampstead/


Open house 5.13

Dulwich Festival Artists’ Open House.

Thanks to everyone who came to the first weekend of our show at the Artists’ Open House. It made for an extremely busy but enjoyable couple of days. We’ll be showing work again next weekend too, Saturday and Sunday 18th & 19th May, 11-6 for anyone who’d like to join us. As well as my photographs there will also be stunning lampshades from Isabel Stanley and beautiful knitted cushion & toys from Sally Nencini. Some of my work will also be showing at the Gas Gallery show (same dates and times) at 41 College Road, London, SE21 7BA.

Open House 5.13

Dulwich Festival – Artists’ Open House.

Here’s the invitation for my forthcoming show as part of the Festival. All welcome.

AAF 3.13

Affordable Art Fair, Battersea Park, London. 7-10 March 2013.

There are new images on show at AAF this week. Look out for Gas Gallery, stand F2 where there will be work, framed and unframed in all sizes.